Privacy Policy

Reg. No. 40203272804
Legal address: Raiņa Bulvāris 2-18 Riga, LV-1050, Latvia

Personal data is processed for the following purpose: provision of staff selection and workforce-ensuring services, and the legal basis for the initial data processing is your consent.

You are entitled to reject the processing of your data and refuse the provision of information; however, in this case, your further participation in the selection process is not possible.

SIA Ibemploy follows the following principles to protect your privacy:
• We do not collect more data than necessary;
• We do not use your data for purposes that are not listed;
• We do not keep your data storied if it is no longer necessary;
• We never sell, lend, distribute or publicly disclose your data;
• We do not use any automated processing decision-making or profiling;
• We check that your data is safely stored.


SIA Ibemploy collects only a limited amount of information about you that is necessary to respond to your request.

SIA Ibemploy may transfer the data for the purpose of selection for the workplace offered by SIA Ibemploy and/or its partners to potential employers in the EU zone. SIA Ibemploy and the recipient of personal data will apply appropriate security measures to protect personal data from unlawful processing.


How and what data do we collect?

You can register with us in various ways. This can be done by our website, by e-mail, but also by telephone. The direct website on which you can register is: In addition to our website, we also post vacancies on job sites and social media. If you respond to one of our vacancies, we will also process your data.

When registering, we process the following data:

name and address details;

contact details, such as email address and telephone number;

birth date, age and gender;

work experience and curriculum vitae (CV);

photos and/or videos;

training, internships and courses;

references, evaluation forms and results of tests or assessments;

information about your availability;

information about your mobility, such as access to your transport and which driving licenses you have;

other data, which are of added value, to assess which position or company suits you best.


How long will your data be stored?

As long as we have open communication for establishing joint business cooperation as well as for the time validity of our contractual relationship. 


How do we use information about you?

We collect information about you so that we can contact you and respond to your request. We collect and use your personal data for the purpose of establishing our relationship. SIA Ibemploy may send you notifications of new offers and services that we believe may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive these notifications you can at any time ask to be removed from our mailing list.


Information security

We have provided security measures to protect the personal data you share with us. Your data is protected against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, or unauthorised disclosure of access to personal data being transmitted, stored or processed.



You have the right to view and change the personal data registered about you. If you no longer wish to use our services, you can submit a request for the removal of all your personal data. You can do the above via your APM account or contact SIA Ibemploy on +37128610184 or via


Your consent

By using this website, you are giving consent to this privacy policy, meaning you give explicit permission to SIA Ibemploy to further collect and process your data, as well as all the other data it finds by providing its services by legal regulations, and all per the defined purpose in this policy. You also agree that you are familiar with all relevant information about SIA Ibemploy and the services it provides.




What is a cookie

Cookies are small-size files, downloaded on the user’s device at the moment, when the contents of the particular website is downloaded while using the website. Cookies contain summarized data on how the website is used, summarizing standard journal entry information (connection IP address, connection time, connection duration) and information on activities performed on the website.


Why cookies are necessary and what are their functions

One group of cookies is functionally and technically required cookies, without which proper functioning of the website would not be possible, because websites function in a way, that they do not maintain session statuses, namely, websites do not have their own memory; consequently, if a user browses various sections of the website, the user is not recognized as the same user. Cookies allow the website to recognize the user. Thereby, the main function of cookies is allowing the web server to receive information about the user’s session, used language, currency etc., and to ensure proper functioning of the website. This group of cookies also includes cookies, which ensure, that your choice to accept or reject the use of analytical cookies is saved, thus your choice is saved without asking for acceptance of cookies each time.

The second group of cookies is analytical cookies, which are necessary to help analysing the use of the website, for example, to understand activities of visitors on the website, thereby creating opportunities for improvement and development of website, which is more convenient for users, a visitor conduct analysis service tool ensured by Google Analytics is used, the use of which is a legitimate interest of the data controller to be able to exist, develop and perform its economic activity in the conditions of information society. At the same time, you are allowed to reject the use of analytical cookies, which means, that only functional cookies, without which functioning of the website is impossible, will be downloaded on your device.


Additional information about analytical cookies

For analytical cookies, Google inc. analytics service is used, which is ensured in accordance with Google Inc. Terms of Service and Google Analytics Terms of Service, and the objective of which is to carry out an assessment of conduct of website visitors and preparation of summarizing report for the data controller. Possibilities of your identification are reduced to minimum; however, the previously mentioned measures do not guarantee full data anonymization.


Analytical cookies opt-out options

First-time opt-out of analytical cookies is possible by selecting the respective element in the website notification on cookies.

You are entitled to change the web browser settings to opt-out of new cookies, disable (delete) the existing cookies or each time inform additionally about sending of new cookies to your device. Read more here: Be warned, that permanent prohibition of using cookies may cause problems with browsing of certain websites.

You can opt-out of analytical Google Analytics cookies also by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. This add-on communicates with Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate, that the information on visiting of the respective website cannot be sent to Google Analytics. We warn you, that using of the said tool is under your full responsibility and the tool is used according to the licence terms of the tool owner.


Policy amendments

Our Cookie Policy may be amended as necessary. The effective version of the Cookie Policy is published on the website.
Last changes were made on 01 August 2024